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Voyez mon agent

Best Value

Check with my agent - Extra artist



Only for users with a paid membership with

Valid until canceled

35€ per proposal = 1 submission for 1 artist

Includes : Screening, preparing and transfering you material

1 follow up if not open after the first sending

Proof of transfer / email opening (Date and time) if any

No result nor feed back guaranteed

Non exclusive deal submission - Direct feed back if any

If we decide not to transfer your material : Total refund


Why using "Check with my agent" ?


Benefit 1 : We can say you are a genius. Don't try to say it about yourself...

Benefit 2 : We come up with the weight of a professional proposal with several options, we are not "gathering attention" as an isolated songwriter.


Benefit 3 : We are communicating in the artist manager's country language.


Benefit 4 : Our emailing tool allows to get proofs of email openings.

Benefit 5 : Our material screening is ethic. We insure the respect of the style, the genre and the format of the material. We make sure that the material provides a decent mix for a professional screening. We don't screen based on personal taste. 


Benefit 7 : This tool allows us to spot talents. We may contact some of you for specific, sollicited and motivated song leads.

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